Kamis, 13 November 2014

Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

Hai Dear....
Today i want to share about snacks for pregnant women.
Pregnant women usually have many restrictions.
Sometimes we don't know what healthy snacks to eat.
Let us discuss  ^--^


 1. Fruit or Vegetable salad
Before eating salad you have to wash up really-really clean. 
Make sure all fruits and vegetables free from material chemicals.

2. Chocolate Pudding
With the combination of low-fat milk because it can replace rice.
Pudding contains sugar which can replace energy.

3. Cashews
nutrients contained in cashew nut is very good because it contains a lot of protein needed to build cells - fetal cells to help the formation of red blood cells and muscle cells .

4. Egg
Good sources of vitamin D infant growth and build the immune system that sometimes decreased the days of pregnancy.
Eggs also contain vitamin D which helps absorption of calcium.
Also contained vitamin A and B complex as well as the amount of other nutrients such as phosporus, calcium and sodium.

5. Salmon
Unsaturated fatty acids omega-3.
The good nutrition for fetal brain nerve.

Hope this news is useful for you ^o^

Devvv Chan


Rabu, 12 November 2014

Manfaat Daging ULAR

What's on your mind if you read this title ?
Are you disgusted ?
Are you scared ?
Maybe you are not interested to read this blog. :D
But there is important information that you may not know before :)


Snakes are animals classified into reptiles.
Snakes have a long body and scaly.
We often assume that snakes are dangerous animals,
because they have toxins that can make living things die when bitten by the snake.
there are some snakes that could not have dangerous and even though didn't have poison.
The benefits of this snake has been recognized in the medical world as a cure for the disease.
Snake blood is believed to make the body more fit and not easily tired.
The snake serum can be used as a medicine from a virus that attacks the human body, such as Malaria, Dengue fever and rabies.

Researchers in the UK and Australia found that the venom can prevent heart disease,stroke and cancer.
Another benefit of the snake is oil.
 Snake oil can heal burns, cuts, and bruises.
This oil also re-act immediately when the stop bleeding from injuries suffered.

Diabetes is a disease that is feared by most people because if diabetics have wound, the wound will usually become raw and difficult to cure and lead to amputation.
But if the snake oil applied on the wound first time there,
then the oil will accelerate the drying wound on the patient.
Speaking about the benefits of snakes is not endless.
But we also have to realize,
that the snake is also organism who wants to live and maintain their natural habbit.

Devvv Chan


Minggu, 09 November 2014


Siapa yang tidak kenal Franda ? Acung tangan nya !
Oke,  mungkin kamu sering melihatnya di TV tapiiiiiiiiiiii.................. tidak tau NAMANYA :)
Yang pernah nonton film nya Raditya Dika "Marmut Merah Jambu" pasti langsung inget deh sama cewek cantik tampang oriental ini.

Lahir dengan nama EFRANDA STEFANUS di Malang, Jawa Timur 8 Februari 1987
yang awal karier nya bermula sejak menjadi finalis MTV VJ HUNT pada tahun 2007
Merupakan alumni dari SMAK Kolese Santo Yusup Malang.
Wanita keturunan Tionghoa ini sempat menjadi pembawa acara tamu dalam acara musik
Dahsyat, menggantikan Luna Maya.
Kini Franda menjadi pembawa acara Lensa Olahraga & Total Football di ANTV.
Franda juga sempat menjadi model majalah pria dewasa FHM.

Lalu bagaimana dengan kesukaannya dalam berbusana?
Let's check this out ^^

 Yeeeeyyyyy So sweet , Elegant, Cute, Simply but beautiful ^^

i give 8/10 points for her 


 Devvv Chan

Sabtu, 08 November 2014


Seorang guru di Australia pernah berkata: “Kami tidak terlalu khawatir jika anak-anak sekolah dasar kami tidak pandai MATEMATIKA. Kami jauh lebih khawatir jika mereka tidak pandai MENGANTRI. "Sewaktu ditanya : “Mengapa? Karena yang terjadi di negara Indonesia justru sebaliknya!”.

Inilah jawabannya :

1. Karena hanya perlu waktu 3 bulan secara intensif untuk melatih anak bisa matematika. Sementara perlu waktu 12 tahun atau lebih untuk melatih anak agar bisa mengantri dengan baik dan benar;

2. Karena tidak semua anak kelak akan berprofesi menggunakan ilmu matematika, kecuali TAMBAH, KALI, KURANG dan BAGI

3. Karena biasanya hanya sebagian kecil saja dari siswa yang kelak akan memilih profesi di bidang yang berhubungan dengan matematika. Sementara. SEMUA MURID DALAM SATU KELAS ini pasti akan membutuhkan Etika Moral & Pelajaran Berharga dari mengantri di sepanjang hidup mereka kelak."

“Memang ada pelajaran berharga dari MENGANTRI?”

“Ya! Banyak sekali pelajaran berharganya, yakni:

1. Anak belajar manajemen waktu. Jika ingin mengantri paling depan, harus datang lebih awal dan itu butuh persiapan lebih awal;

2. Anak belajar bersabar. Menunggu giliran tiba, terutama jika ia di antrian paling belakang;

3. Anak belajar menghormati hak orang lain. Yang datang lebih awal dapat giliran lebih dulu dan tidak merasa dirinya yang paling penting;

4. Anak belajar berdisiplin. Aturan mengantri adalah tidak menyerobot dan itu berarti tidak mengambil hak orang lain;

5. Anak belajar kreatif. Untuk mengatasi kebosanan saat mengantri merangsang berpikir untuk melakukan suatu aktivitas (di Jepang biasanya orang akan membaca buku saat mengantri);

6. Anak bisa belajar bersosialisasi. Menyapa dan mengobrol dengan orang lain di antrian;

7. Anak belajar tabah. Menjalani proses dalam mencapai tujuannya, sehingga tidak melegalkan cara-cara kotor dalam mencapai tujuan.

Phoenam Cafe (Review)

Hey Hoooooo!
I'm Back with my new review "PHOENAM"
Last night i was hanging out with my lovely friends (partner in crime) *Lol
Drizzle didn't make us cancel our plans.
I was ready and while waiting for my friend to pick me up, i take picture of my self. #selfie #narsis #LOL

From my house,
 We went to pick up  two others, and then We have problems deciding where to eat.
I advise my friend's cafe "Angelous Cafe" but my friend Diana wanted to visit her boyfriend so We turn to downtown and We pick a place to eat around there.
We finally decided to enjoy dinner in the Phoenam Cafe.

There is no Great ornament in here, a lot of visitors on the ground floor makes me ashamed to take Some pictures.
They also have upstairs, If you don't like crowded you can go upstairs :)
There are only a few visitors over the floor, they enjoy snacks and free wi-fi.
You can also see the sea from the top.

Okey Let's Check the menu ----

Sorry it was not all the pictures i took,
The Price is still affordable.
While waiting for orders, i take Some picture again :)

And what We ordered??
Milkshake Oreo (25k)
Milkshake Chocolate (25k)
Rawon (32k)
Nasi Goreng Seafood (30k)
Nasi Goreng Special Ala Phoenam (30k)
Kwetiau Seafood (30k)


My Suggestion and Opinion  :
+ You must try the fried rice, cause it is very delicious
+ The place is really cozy
The price is affordable
They have installed Wi-fi Connection
Add more Heavy Meal
Train your waitresses to be more knowledgeable about your products and to be more friendly and cheerful ^^  
I suggest you if you want to spend your time this is the right place.

Devvv Chan

Motivasi ^^